Just how easy it is
We stack the Crucial-supplied modules next to the Apple's.
And the modules in the riser card. We put them back in pairs for the optimum performance combination that results in around 16GB/s of juicy bandwidth.
Which is pushed back in place.
And into the system.
Upgrading the memory, then, is a simple affair of ordering the requisite modules from the likes of Crucial, at half Apple's price, opening the system, pulling out the riser card, installing the new modules, and closing back up again.
The whole process takes no more than 10 minutes from start to finish, showing just how easy it is.
We understand that a large percentage of our readership is tech-savvy and could upgrade an Apple Mac Pro with their eyes closed, but the whole point of this bite-sized guide is to show everyone else just how easy it is - you don't need to be afraid of opening the box; it won't void your warranty and you'll upgrade the ever-so-crucial (pun intended, folks) RAM at half Apple's Mac Pro-supplied price.
Knowing that, we'd urge all prospective Mac Pro buyers to purchase the minimum RAM specification and user-upgrade it on the relatively cheap.
That's the RAM sorted, on the cheap; now for the hard drives and WiFi card....