NZXT Announces New HALE90 V2 Enthusiast-Class Power Supplies

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Las Vegas, NV - Like a heart supplying the life fuel to the human body, an excellent power supply will deliver more than just raw power to a computer. We believe that the power supply is a component that is dangerously overlooked, simply because it's functionality is simple. Within simplicity however, is a complex device that derives its potency squarely on engineering expertise.

Today, NZXT ushers in a rethinking of power delivery with the new HALE90 V2.

Engineering came first. Our team painstakingly examined every facet of a power supply's performance: ripple, noise, coherence, sustained wattage, efficiency, operating temperatures, and even wiring, to deliver a PSU suitable for high up-time server environments but in a package for enthusiasts. While challenging, we found ways to overcome compromises.

Peeking into the HALE90 V2, you find server-grade features such as solid-bar interconnects between the main board and the cable-host board - you'll find no wires there. With the mindset of high-density servers, our engineers also optimized the layout of the main board, improving airflow efficiency. The distinctive NZXT Phantom-white PCB in the HALE90 V2 conceals yet another innovation: white solder-resist. Providing ten times the thermal conductivity of normal solder-resist, white solder-resist helps to improve isolation an order of magnitude beyond typical power supplies.

Some may consider the inside of the HAEL90 V2 to be even more beautiful than it is on the outside. Grasp a new HALE90 V2 in your hands and you instantly see, feel, and know, that a razor focus on quality infuses every aspect its design.

NZXT HALE90 V2 power supplies are offered in 850, 1000, 1200 wattages, and are fully modular. The HALE90 V2 will be available for $189.99, $229.99, and $269.99 respectively.