Cooler Master preparing girly versions of its mid-tower Elite 310 chassis?

by Parm Mann on 26 August 2009, 10:14

Tags: Cooler Master

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We reckon Cooler Master's hardcore gaming chassis look pretty formidable, but if you've ever wondered how the Taiwanese manufacturer would fare at designing something a little more girly, here's your answer.

What you're looking at are bright white versions of Cooler Master's traditionally black Elite 310 chassis. The images, obtained by French website, suggest that Cooler Master will be rolling out the cuter versions with pink or blue trimming.

Aside from colour, there appears to be no other major changes. The chassis retain their mid-tower dimensions, measuring 191mm x 437mm x 468mm and there's room for micro-ATX or ATX motherboards. There's no mention of availability, but we'd expect pricing to be in line with the current black Elite 310 - that's currently going for under £40. For comparisons sake, here's the Elite 310 as it exists today:

What do we think, readers? Will white PC chassis ever catch on, or should they be left to Apple? Share your thoughts in the forums.

HEXUS Forums :: 10 Comments

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They look like something out of the mid-90s.
the girls won't care since its got pink bits on it :P
I quite like the Blue/White one, although the main problem I can foresee is getting matching optical & floppy (some people still use them) drives.
White cases might catch on but it'll be forever before optical drive manufacturers catch up.

Edit: Rats, beaten to it. I agree with everything 0iD said there.
White cases might catch on but it'll be forever before optical drive manufacturers catch up.

Edit: Rats, beaten to it. I agree with everything 0iD said there.

You snooze, you lose :p