CEDIA Expo - Dolby TrueHD,

by Bob Crabtree on 21 September 2005, 00:00

Tags: 3Com

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CEDIA Expo 2005 - Dolby Laboratories demonstrates Dolby TrueHD, ''Picture-Perfect'' sound for the next generation of High Definition discs

Dolby TrueHD takes MLP Lossless further, with higher bit rates, additional channels, enhanced stereo mix support, and ‘extensive’ metadata functionality.

Craig Eggers, Dolby Senior Manager, Consumer Electronics Technology Marketing, said "With Dolby TrueHD…viewers can experience multichannel surround sound that fully complements the detail and fidelity of the high-definition picture."

Dolby TrueHD and Dolby Digital Plus technologies are mandatory audio codecs in the HD DVD format as well as optional features in the Blu-ray Disc format. Dolby Digital is mandatory in both formats.

Dolby TrueHD provides support for all of the new speaker locations designated by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) for digital cinema applications.

For more information about Dolby Laboratories or Dolby technologies, visit http://www.dolby.com.

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