Review: YeongYang A102 MATX

by David Ross on 4 February 2003, 00:00

Tags: YeongYang

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If you want a small compact LAN box that isnt going to cost the earth then this is the case for you. There are other SFF cases on the market but I will be waiting for the main quality case manufactures to make their MATX solution. The system I built at the time was a very high spec, and compared with going the shuttle route the diffrence was about £150. Im not saying shuttles are a rip-off because they are very high quality products and alot of ideas go into making them but when you see that a MATX case is £60 a good motherboard is £70 the prices start to look more appealing and you can taylor the computer to suit your needs from the start.


  • Highy customisable nice looking case
  • Comes with a 200w PSU and doesnt affect the cost
  • Good build quality
  • Well layed out
  • Ideal for LAN's


  • Psu may limit from very high end machine
  • Limiting on drives i.e u cant have more than one cd unless u go laptop drives
  • No front intake fan (note: should be easy to mod the case to have a intake but would like it as standard)

Info and thanks

Would firstly like to thank Kustom PC's in stocking such a great case along with MO LCD's and all with great service and customer service.

Cheers to the help and ideas from Leon on he also has two YY-A102's but shamefully hasn't modded them yet :(

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Budget Taxes High end PC'S and case mods! :-s
Chancellor Gordon Brown has claimed the new breed of computer modder and high end system buff should contribute more to tax revenues above the 17.5% VAT already collected on such items.

In todays budget he announced a 5% ‘mod’ tax on all case modifications, a 15% ‘green’ tax on all PSU's over 300W and a 10% surcharge on all new PC's rated over four thousand in 3DMarkSE.

In addition, he's planning extensions to TCPA/Palladium to catch so-called “soft-modders” who would otherwise escape performance-related taxation… :D

Class, Aeon
Surley judging by the age and performance of my 1.4 Athlon system I should should get Tax relief (Like they do with older cars).
Surley judging by the age and performance of my 1.4 Athlon system I should should get Tax relief (Like they do with older cars).
Never mind a break - they'll give you clock-speed support! ;)
Maybe I could even get an EU grant!!!!!