Review: YeongYang A102 MATX

by David Ross on 4 February 2003, 00:00

Tags: YeongYang

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Side Panels

Also from kustom were these two side custom vinyl mods. They are great easy to apply and you can have any design printed for you and all you do is apply them to the side of your case wait till they are set and thats it. bit diffrent then a window etch and more unique to the end user.

Blue LED's, front USB and Spiral Wrap

One of the first mods I did was to get rid of them green and red LED's and replace them with the blue ones. Then I spiral wrapped the PSU leads and used rounded IDE cables to make them more organised and easyier to move. Adding the two front USB ports was easy and I changed the DVD bezel to black so it looked better.

Future Mods

I'm thinking of doing some more mods for the case, here are some ideas.

IR Mod

A while back I had brought two of these Creative IR kits from Ebay, from what I can find out they are a discontinued product from themselves and can be picked up for around£12.

After opening the case I find that the pcb is in fact quite small and would be easy to mount in different places in the system. But the way the A102 is designed the device can't be mounted inside with the diode showing to receive commands from the remote. So what I'm thinking of doing is un solding the diode and by attaching wires

Blue Neon String

Im thinking of putting blue neon string behind the front panel so when tured on it will glow through the vents at the front of the case.