Review: KFA2 GeForce GTX 780 Hall Of Fame

by Parm Mann on 11 September 2013, 15:00


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The GTX 780 HOF is crying out for a bit of overclocking, however it's worth noting that you might experience mixed results if you don't touch the voltage. In our initial tests, we struggled to get the core past 1,050MHz and experienced instability if we pushed memory much beyond 6,808MHz.

To get the most out of the card, we hit the Hyper Boost button - causing fans to ramp up to maximum - and used Galaxy's Xtreme Tuner Plus utility to overvolt the card to 1.2V. In this scenario, we were able to get the core running at 1,170MHz - which, courtesy of GPU Boost, meant a staggering in-game speed of 1,293MHz. Memory overclocking continued to prove problematic - we had the frame buffer dialled in to 6,608MHz to prevent any issues - yet the near-1.3GHz core translates to epic performance.

Yep, it's fair to say overclockers will have fun with this one. We were able to break the 10,000 3DMark barrier in next to no time, and it's no surprise to find that the GTX 780 HOF is already showing up on the official Hall of Fame.