Review: KFA2 GeForce GTX 780 Hall Of Fame

by Parm Mann on 11 September 2013, 15:00


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...if you're absolutely intent on pushing your card to the maximum, KFA2's Hall Of Fame Edition is well worthy of consideration.

There aren't many who can fathom spending in excess of £500 on a single graphics card, but if you do happen to fall into this admittedly-niche category, you're probably looking for a card that looks great, goes at a rate of knots, keeps cool and quiet, and overclocks like a dream.

KFA2 has ticked all of those boxes with the GTX 780 Hall Of Fame, making this one of the more lust-worthy GTX 780s on the market today. The card looks badass, carries a healthy 1,006MHz core frequency, and is well built with a focus on overclocker-friendly features. Cool and quiet under load, it meets the fundamental purpose of a factory-overclocked GTX 780 - which is to offer Titan-like performance for a much-lower fee.

And, of course, the HOF really does overclock extremely well. With a touch of overvolting, it ramps up to 1.3GHz with little fuss, and extreme tinkerers are likely to go even higher. Yet, while there's plenty to like, we still haven't quite reached GTX 780 perfection. Sure, the HOF is impressive, but the stock-clocked memory doesn't overclock nearly as well, and then there is the issue of the £576 asking price; which is some 10 per cent more than rival solutions.

There are cheaper GTX 780s on the market offering similar levels of out-the-box performance, but if you're absolutely intent on pushing your card to the maximum, KFA2's Hall Of Fame Edition is well worthy of consideration.

The Good

Looks badass
Titan-like performance
Overclocks like a dream
Cool and quiet during real-world use
Includes Batman: Arkham Origins while stocks last

The Bad

Costly for a GTX 780
Stock-clocked memory
High power-draw


KFA2 GeForce GTX 780 Hall Of Fame


The KFA2 GeForce GTX 780 Hall Of Fame graphics card is available to purchase from Overclockers UK*.


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