Review: NVIDIA's GeForce 6800 and 6800 GT GPUs

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 13 July 2004, 00:00


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6800 Ultra

As with the 6800 Ultra on the 60.72 driver in the initial review, the 6800 enjoys somewhat 'free' anti-aliasing until the mixed-mode 8X mode is activated. Anisotropic filtering performance is pretty much free across the board. The 6800 Ultra's speed, both in core and memory clocks, along with the angle-dependant nature of their anisotropic filtering algorithm, both combine to allow that to happen. The angle-dependant nature means that even with 16X anisotropic filtering selected, that level of aniso isn't applied to all the textures in a frame, rather a small subset based on their angle from the viewer.

6800 GT

The graph shape is the same as the Ultra's, and it scales nicely with the clock speed differences, something that's nice to see given the architectural similarities between the Ultra and GT.


The plain 6800's architectural differences (mainly clock speed related, giving a lack of memory bandwidth) contribute to the different graph shapes, especially for the anti-aliasing case. The plain card no longer has the 'free' AA in the UT2003 case that the GT and Ultra enjoy. While the AF performance drops off quicker too, it still enjoys good performance at all settings.

A decent way of looking at the architectural differences in the three variants.