Review: NVIDIA's GeForce 6800 and 6800 GT GPUs

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 13 July 2004, 00:00


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ShaderMark 2.0

Using the 61.34 driver, the 6-series boards can now run the 23rd and final shader, albeit with some definite image quality issues. Discounting the performance of that shader compared to the X800s, the 6800 boards still show definite scaling from the 6800 to the 6800 Ultra.

That's the case with all the shaders tested. The other thing worth noting is the GT's pace compared to the Ultra and X800 boards. In almost all cases it's faster than the X800 PRO and almost as fast as the 6800 Ultra. Strong performance in ShaderMark 2.0 from NVIDIA's middling 6-series entrant.

The plain 6800 has a harder time of things. It's interesting to see the 6800's performance compared to the Ultra, in terms of raw percentage difference, being quite similar to the relationship between the X800 PRO and the X800 XT. Disabling a quad pipeline does roughly the same thing to shader performance in each IHV's architecture.