ASUS G73JH gaming notebook review

by Parm Mann on 28 July 2010, 08:22 4.0

Tags: G73JH, ASUSTeK (TPE:2357)

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Final thoughts and rating

Available for just under £1,650, ASUS's G73JH notebook isn't cheap, but you do get a lot of bang for your buck.

The ability to run the latest games with little sacrifices in image quality is a huge boon, and ASUS's Republic of Gamers bundle - which includes a gaming mouse, a SteelSeries Siberia headset and a RoG backpack - makes it a complete mobile gaming solution.

An enjoyable 17.3in display provides vivid Blu-ray visuals, and the internal triumvirate - a Core i7 processor, Mobility Radeon HD 5870 graphics and 8GB of DDR3 memory - ensures there's plenty of power on tap for most usage scenarios.

If there's a chink in the notebook's admittedly-awesome armour, it's the hard-to-press trackpad buttons and the short-lived battery life.

The Good

  • Few notebooks offer so much for under £1,650
  • Can run the latest DX11 games in full-HD
  • 17.3in display provides excellent Blu-ray visuals
  • Keeps cool and quiet under the hood
  • Bundle includes a gaming mouse, headset and backpack
  • Looks like a stealth fighter?

The Bad

  • Trackpad buttons are frustratingly firm
  • Poor battery life
  • Pre-loaded with a lot of bloatware
  • Looks like a stealth fighter?

HEXUS Rating


HEXUS Rating


HEXUS Where2Buy

The ASUS G73JH notebook can be purchased from* at a cost of £1,633.21.

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HEXUS Forums :: 2 Comments

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1. Why the high price increase over USA pricing? DO NOT BUY THIS IN THE UK, import from US. Dell don't inflate there prices so much so why do Apple, HP and Asus? PETITION!

2. I emailed Asus re: purchasing a UK Keyboard for the G73 and got reponse “We do not stock or sell keyboards”. In essence they care not for there customers.

If you will be purchasing from the US get the Asus G73jh-X1 version which comes with 1x500gb h/d, dvd drive but no backpack or mouse. Its the better option IMO as you will def want to install an SSD or Hybrid drive.
storage made available through dual 500TB, 7,200rpm hard drives

Well, I can probably stretch to £1633 for the laptop if it'll come with them. Then all I need to do is sell the laptop having replaced the HDDs, and I'll be happy for a few years :D