Review: ASUS M2R32-MVP Radeon Xpress 3200 CrossFire motherboard

by Steve Kerrison on 31 August 2006, 08:36

Tags: ASUSTeK (TPE:2357)

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Benchmarks: 3D performance

On to 3D performance, then, where it becomes harder to compare results, but still allows us to check that the board's giving us the kind of performance we'd like to see.

Far Cry

In single-GPU testing, the X1900 XTX yields almost the same average FPS on both this and the Sturgeon motherboards. The low resolution means we're not stressing the GPU that much, so the onus lies more with the rest of the system for the most part.

Quake 4

We expect the Radeon X1900 XTX to fall behind slightly in Quake 4, as that what we see in our graphics cards review. Perfectly good performance from the M2R32-MVP, then.

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

The same rule applies to SC:CT as with Quake 4 at this resolution.

Before we enable CrossFire and SLI, let's ramp up the res.

Now the X1900 XTX jumps in front and the M2R32-MVP sits triumphant. Catalyst 6.8 will have played a part in this, no doubt.

Notice the performance jump between single and dual-GPU gaming in SC:CT. Both SLI and CrossFire yield great boosts to FPS. The ASUS board can handle CrossFire just fine.