Review: AOpen AK86-L K8T800 S754 Motherboard

by Tarinder Sandhu on 26 March 2004, 00:00

Tags: Aopen, AMD (NYSE:AMD), VIA Technologies (TPE:2388)

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WAV, KribiBench, Realstorm, XviD

Increases in sheer CPU speed, irrespective of other improvements, almost exclusively helps in tasks such as encoding into MP3 format. The test was to encode WAV files that totalled 607MB into 192kb/s MP3. The Pentium 4 reigns supreme, but we're adamant that the Athlon 64 3400+ could crunch enough WAVs in a single night to put to chew through a 120GB hard drive. Hardly slow, is it?.

The AK86-L does well enough to dislodge the EPoX again. Performance, as you can see, is top notch.

Here's a strange one. We expect two motherboards based on a single chipset and setup with identical components and near-identical timings to benchmark within a few percent of each other. That's been the case with EPox and AOpen's K8T800 boards thus far. That logic makes the KribiBench result difficult to explain, yet it was consistent each and every time. Hmmm.