Review: AOpen AK86-L K8T800 S754 Motherboard

by Tarinder Sandhu on 26 March 2004, 00:00

Tags: Aopen, AMD (NYSE:AMD), VIA Technologies (TPE:2388)

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3DMark 2001SE, X², Comanche 4

Gaming now, starting with the ubiquitous 3DMark2001SE.

All three protagonists manage to break the 20,000-mark barrier with consummate ease. That's scary power from systems that are run at absolute default speeds. A breakdown of the AK86-L's score can be found here. Nice to see that no test averages below 100FPS.

Comanche 4 produces remarkably similar results between both K8T800 boards. A 3.4GHz Pentium 4 and tweaked Springdale combination isn't too far behind.

Close enough at the top. Just as one would expect.