Review: AOpen AK86-L K8T800 S754 Motherboard

by Tarinder Sandhu on 26 March 2004, 00:00

Tags: Aopen, AMD (NYSE:AMD), VIA Technologies (TPE:2388)

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UT2003, Call of Duty. Quake III

The lead swaps again. AOpen's memory timings just give it the edge in a test that's geared up towards putting an extensive load on the subsystem. Notice just how far both AMD setups are ahead of the Intel's efforts.

The platform lead isn't so great here. Top spot is a matter for benchmarks. There's no perceivable difference in actual gaming.

A point that is brought home by the Quake III results. Less than a 1% spread separates all three runners. A competent set of results returned by AOpen's K8T800 board. There's nothing too far wrong in the performance department.