Review: ASUS P4C800-E i875P Motherboard

by Tarinder Sandhu on 22 June 2004, 00:00

Tags: ASUSTeK (TPE:2357)

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3DMark 2001SE, X², Comanche 4

There's remarkable similarity between results obtained on 4 separate chipsets and 3 CPUs. It's a little surprising to see ASUS' Canterwood board trail in behind DFI's supposedly inferior Springdale. 3DMark2001SE can fluctuate by up to 150 marks from run to run, so ASUS' results are just about where we would expect. A breakdown of the default score can be found here. We also ran the board at 290MHz FSB with relaxed memory timings and with the use of a 3:2 FSB-to-RAM ratio. The result is lower but shows the board's propensity to tolerate high FSBs.

Pretty much a tie between Intel runners. There isn't a slow setup in this select group.

We're not in the least bit surprised to see a close-knit set of results. It's just a shame that Intel's Pentium 4 3.4GHz Extreme Edition CPU isn't priced at sane levels.