Review: Corsair HX850 power supply put to the test: how good is it?

by Tarinder Sandhu on 12 June 2009, 08:44 3.75

Tags: HX850, Corsair

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Final thoughts, rating, awards, where2buy

Final thoughts

The Corsair HX850 is a modular power supply that currently etails for around £135, and the pricing is reasonably competitive with other big-name PSUs that also ship with modular connectors, aimed at the enthusiast space. Packaging and build quality are both excellent, thanks to good presentation and a range of connector-runs which should suit most folk. More good is to be found with the warranty on the HX850, now extended to seven years instead of five.

Performance is very solid on all fronts, too, comprising of excellent efficiency, good 12V rail stability, and ripple-free performance. The fan is practically inaudible until we reach full load and even then it's not aurally noisome. As good as the performance is, Enermax's REVOLUTION 85+ is a touch better in most areas, but we remind ourselves that it costs in excess of £40 more.

Bottom line: a solid, well-engineered 850W PSU that's backed up by a decent warranty and priced just about right to tempt users looking to power a high-end PC.

HEXUS Rating

We consider any product score above '50%' as a safe buy. The higher the score, the higher the recommendation from HEXUS to buy. Simple, straightforward buying advice.

The rating is given in relation to the category the component competes in, therefore the PSU is evaluated with respect to our 'high-end' criteria.


HEXUS Awards

Quality underpinnings and solid performance are the attributes we look for in a decent PSU. The Corsair HX850 has them both, and based on our observations and testing, we feel confident that it would provide smooth power for most high-end rigs.

Corsair HX850 PSU

HEXUS Where2Buy

The Corsair HX850 PSU is currently on pre-order from for £135.33, including delivery* and  £141.44 at The HX750 is also available on pre-order for £114.71.

*As always, UK-based discussion forum members will benefit from the SCAN2HEXUS Free Shipping initiative, which will save you a further few pounds plus also top-notch, priority customer service and technical support backed up by the SCANcare@HEXUS forum.

HEXUS Right2Reply

At HEXUS, we invite the companies whose products we test to comment on our articles. If any company representatives for the products reviewed choose to respond, we'll publish their commentary here verbatim.

HEXUS Forums :: 7 Comments

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why does the
priority customer service
link go to an MSI review? :/

it does in the MSI review too…
why does the

link go to an MSI review? :/

it does in the MSI review too…

Honestly, I couldn't tell you. I've removed the reference. :)
£135, dayum that's alot of doh. I don't mind paying for quality, but I don't want to pay for a brand. Sheesh, cut the price a little.
£135, dayum that's alot of doh. I don't mind paying for quality, but I don't want to pay for a brand. Sheesh, cut the price a little.

Does seem a lot for 850W - but wonder who makes it?
Does seem a lot for 850W - but wonder who makes it?

HX850w = CWT :)