Outfitted with a latest-generation Core i5 processor, this compact PC has bags of performance potential and comes equipped with forward-looking features...It has been a few years since Intel bought mini-PCs to the fore with its Next Unit of Computing (NUC). These compact systems marry an Intel Core processor to current memory and storage technologies in a tiny box that's well-laced with modern connectivity options.
Realising that potential in an up-to-date manner is the Gigabyte Brix GB-BSi5T-6200. Outfitted with a latest-generation Core i5 processor, this compact PC has bags of performance potential and comes equipped with forward-looking features such as Wireless AC connectivity, HDMI 2.0, USB Type-C and support for both DDR4 memory and high-speed NVMe SSDs.
Build quality is good throughout and we're fond of Gigabyte's brushed-metal aesthetic, and though PCs of this size have been around for a number of years, there's still something admirable about a palm-sized machine with so much potential.
The core ingredients have become more potent with each new generation, yet on the flip side the drawbacks haven't entirely diminished. Fan noise remains an unenviable characteristic, and the £330 barebone price tag continues to serve as an obvious hurdle for a system void of memory, storage or operating system. The GB-BSi5T-6200 is a formidable pint-sized PC, but at this price point it isn't for everyone.
The Good The Bad Intel Skylake processor
Admirably small form factor
Supports fast memory and storage
Excellent connectivity options Internal fan gets noisy
Pricey for barebone hardware
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