Intel announces reseller initiative

by Scott Bicheno on 10 April 2008, 17:07

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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Nigel Towell (pictured below), reseller channel manager at Intel, is at ITCVE 2008 to tell European resellers about Intel’s desire to work more closely with them.

‘The Intel channel partner programme has been going for ten years, but it was always for people who build stuff,’ he said. ‘Now channel resellers can get access regardless of whether they build or not.’

The website can be found here. It has apparently been under pilot for the last nine months.

Ask what the reason was for the move, Towell said: ‘We are adapting to the industry definition of channel – businesses that buy from distributors. Our predominant aim is to empower resellers’ salespeople.’

Intel’s presence at ITCVE 2008 is putting an emphasis on doing business, as opposed to just handing out gimmicks.

To emphasise its point, Intel has even had a dabble at irony by producing a scratch card.

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