Consumers not convinced by iPad

by Scott Bicheno on 8 February 2010, 10:06

Tags: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

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US consumer electronics price comparison site Retrevo surveyed its members on their thoughts about the Apple iPad before and immediately after its launch. It recently published those findings and they confirm a level of consumer apathy that is unusual for a big Apple launch.

26 percent of users were aware of the iPad, but were not interested in buying one before the launch, that proportion doubled once everyone was armed with the facts about the product, implying Apple failed to make a compelling case for buying the iPad.

Using an arbitrary measurement of hype on Twitter, Retrevo calculated that the launch of the iPad generated almost as much buzz as president Obama's state of the union address.

While the launch was polarising, with a rise in the number of people who definitely wanted one too, Apple doesn't seem to have captured the public imagination with the concept of the iPad as a mobile Internet device.59 percent said they wouldn't pay the extra $130 for 3G.




Elsewhere, Tech Trader Daily reports the conjecture of analyst Craig Moffett that Apple has been developing a new subscription model for TV, with the target platform being the iPad. He imagines docking the iPad to use it like a regular TV when you're at home, then being able to watch the telly when you're on the move too, over 3G.


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Two points here:

Why was one of the options removed from the first survey when it was asked the second time? Surely if it was one of the optional responses, if it had been given <1% that should've been recorded. Seems odd to me, as it's still a perfectly relevant option at the moment - if they removed it as a choice, it must skew the data.

Secondly, why are they unable to proof-read before distributing to media? Or is it defintely not a mistake?.
He imagines docking the iPad to use it like a regular TV when you're at home

Oh yeah I can see that catching on… a 10“ screen with letterbox bars thanks to it's 4:3 resolution… that's going to be so much more amazing than my 32” widescreen TV - I want an iPad, cos I mean who actually wants to SEE the TV from the sofa.
Having not looked into this too much, the iPad just appears to be a glorrified larger version of the iPod touch.
I quite liked the Charlie Broker screenwipe summing up of it.

(even thou he does write for the Groiniad).
playing devil's advocate, isn't the more impressive statistic that, with essentially a new form factor (or at least, the 1st concerted push at a consumer-targeted device in that form factor), Apple convinced nearly 10% of consumers that they would like to buy one (increasing that proportion by x3 compared to the pre-release figure).

Now all of this is statistics/consumer research and therefore obviously to be taken with a truckload of salt. But if Apple has truly convinced 9% of the population that they want one and with the big assumption that a decent proportion of those are serious about actually buying, isn't that a reasonable result for Apple?

ps - I'm entirely open minded about whether this thing will take off or not. For me personally, there is little point to it as I have a pc within visual range of the tv, and browsing etc… on the sofa seems it's biggest target market. But it seems to me that because it hasn't lived up to the hype (and frankly, what would have done?) everyone is now convinced it will be an utter failure. I'm not so sure…