Bill Gates no longer world’s richest person

by Scott Bicheno on 11 March 2010, 18:38

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Slim lead

It's always both fun and depressing when Forbes magazine publishes its list of the world's richest people and even devoted Microsoft fans will be struggling to shed a tear for Bill Gates on hearing he's no longer the world's richest man.

He's been narrowly pipped to the top spot by Mexican Carlos Slim, who seems to own most of the country including America Movil. This is the third change at the top in three years after Gates won back the lead from superlative investor Warren Buffet last year.

Considering how strongly tech companies feature among the world's biggest companies, it's a bit surprising not to see more tech individuals on the list. Oracle boss Larry Ellison remains in the top ten, but Ambani has made his pile from oil and gas, as did Batista, while Mittal turns steel to gold.

Arnault owns luxury good giant LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy), his fortune showing not everyone has been struggling during the recession, while Ortega owns a bunch of clothing retailers, including Zara. Rounding-off the top ten, Albrecht got his euros from the Aldi supermarket chain.

As we go down the list a few other tech people crop up. Sergey Brin is a co-founder of Google and the other one - Larry page - has just as much wedge. Still in the top 50 we have Michael Dell, Steve Ballmer, Paul Allen and Jeff Bezos.


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Why does it say Carlos Slim ‘& family’? I reckon that most of the people in the top are not competing for number 1. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are two of the most generous philanthropists in the US, and Carlos slim also has his organisation.
If we're talking family, then the Waltons (Owners of Walmart) have 4 members in the top 20 list.
Compared to the rich Arabs in the middle east, these guys over there are in the top 1000 :D
Compared to the rich Arabs in the middle east, these guys over there are in the top 1000 :D

No. The arabs are simply not that rich.
Sheikh Khalifa is one of the richest. I'm sure the sultan of brunei is there as well (thought that's not the middle east)
The problem is do you include the oil in the ground in the wealth of some of these Arabs. The awnser not all of it.

By the same idea that you don't count how much money Microsoft might be making in 2050.

As such you will find these arab's aren't that high, and the current list is all going to be shaken up by the emerging markets anyway!