Mobile and video to drive 10% online revenue growth in 2010

by Scott Bicheno on 19 March 2010, 14:40

Tags: AOP

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The Association of Online Publishers represents 1,500 online publications and brands. It recently completed the annual census of its members, which revealed growing optimism that revenues could return to double-figure growth after the carnage of last year.

All members - which include most of the biggest media and publishing organisations in the UK -responded to this survey, and half of them predicted revenue growth of over ten percent this year. Display ads are still expected to be the biggest area, with video especially showing rapid growth.

Tim Faircliff, chairman of the AOP and also GM of consumer media at Thomson Reuters said: "A return to growth will provide all our businesses with a renewed energy and focus on people skills, revenue generation and business models plus the opportunity for exciting innovation around mobile and video. The challenge will be how fast we can gear up to drive these initiatives forward."

More than half of respondents expect to increase staff this year, but are finding all vacancies bar editorial difficult to fill. Ad sales is generally viewed as the highest priority, followed by editorial and data analysis. Three quarters said they will be investing in the mobile side of things this year.

The biggest challenge for this year is considered to be broadening and diversifying business models. As a consequence of this, 60 percent of media owners plan to increase their partner activity as a way of facilitating diversification.

Here are a few AOP members talking about what they think the impact of e-readers and tablets will be on their industry this year. The consensus seems to be "not much".


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