AMD offering free business cards in Unleash Yourself promo

by Parm Mann on 29 May 2008, 14:30


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If you fancy yourself a set of free business cards, you're in luck. The kind folk over at AMD are offering a selection of sexy-looking business cards as part of its "Unleash Yourself" promotion.

On offer are a choice of Phenom-styled cards, complete with purple imagery, or a choice of Radeon-styled cards, with fiery-red visuals.

There's no better way to show that your systems tend to be AMD-inclined. Mind you, these cards look nice enough to tempt even the Intel faithful.

If you'd like to get your hands on a pack of 20 free AMD-badged business cards, head on over to, choose to "Unleash the Power of Quad!" or "Unleash the Shooting Star" and then click "get your free fire/purple edition business cards" - it's that simple.

Official product page:

HEXUS Forums :: 10 Comments

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I've never understood the need for a business card with someone elses business on it…
I've never understood the need for a business card with someone elses business on it…

Cheap high quality advertising. The people who take up the offer will be a mix of freeloaders and zealots. The zealots will convert people to your cause with great efficiency, all for a tiny tiny price of some cards and delivery. Can also increase loyalty from the fanbase.

That's the business side anyway. The zealots will love the cards because they've got AMD on them :)
They did this already or they are still doing it. I got them just for laugh, they are actually quite nice .. not that I would ever use them unless desperate lol

Oh and if it's the same as last time you needn't bother with an invoice number etc.. as you get them anyway :D
I ordered some last time, meh might as well have some more!
anyone else that did it last time getting the “Sorry! Someone already ordered with this e-mail address” message?

I've changed the email address in the final step, but it seems to be going my the address on the card :(