Obama announces his technology agenda

by Scott Bicheno on 21 January 2009, 14:48

Tags: The White House

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaqrn

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A new hope...

With every media outlet in the UK bringing you uninterrupted coverage of Barack Obama's every waking move, we were starting to feel left out, so we thought we'd let you know that the anointed one has set out his agenda for technology.

Referring to one of his own speeches from a couple of years ago, Obama puts an emphasis on education. He goes on to stress his support for an open Internet: "...will work to ensure the full and free exchange of information through an open Internet and use technology to create a more transparent and connected democracy."

Within this pledge are initiatives to:

  • Support the principle of network neutrality
  • Encourage diversity in the ownership of broadcast media
  • To protect children, while at the same time preserving free speech
  • Strengthen privacy protections

Among his other aims are:

  • Deploy next-generation broadband
  • Promote R&D
  • Protect intellectual property
  • Invest in healthcare IT
  • Invest in green technology
  • Advance stem cell research

You can see the full agenda here. Apparently the website's been tarted up too.


HEXUS Forums :: 14 Comments

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Advance stem cell research

Yay for stem cells, although I doubt all the idiots who are against this will be easy to bypass.
Christopher Reeve would have been pleased to hear that.
Yay for stem cells, although I doubt all the idiots who are against this will be easy to bypass.

i am all for Stem Cell research, i don't agree that the people who are against it will make it difficult for the simple reason that if the government want to make it happen they will, although I am also for freedom of speech and to be against something if you so wish if you oppose something fair enough even though it never makes any difference either way.

hooray for net neutrality
Aye, the stem cells news is good news.

Obama must fight against the cancer of organised religion holding back his nation.