I've done my fair share of browser-hopping over the years. I started with Netscape, moved to Internet Explorer, then on to Firefox, followed by Google Chrome and now back to IE.
Yet, I can't quite make up my mind as to which browser I actually prefer. I never thought I'd live without my Firefox plugins, but the browser eventually began to feel bogged down and bloated. Chrome felt like a breath of fresh air when it launched in 2008, but there's something about that Chrome-OS-style scrollbar that now irritates me. And then there's Internet Explorer 11, which truth be told is working for me just fine, but hey, it's Internet Explorer - could a browser sound any more ordinary?
It's been interesting to see Firefox and IE lose market share as Chrome picks up pace, but statistics don't always marry-up with user opinion. So let's hear it from: which is the best desktop web browser available today, and what features in particular make it appeal to you?
As always, let us know using the comments facility below, or have your say on our Facebook wall.