All Out War - A Stirling Services event

by Nick Haywood on 11 October 2005, 16:19

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The horror... oh the horror...

The rest of the day was spent very doing the same sort of thing, moving tactically around buildings, giving covering fire, support fire and taking cover myself while the war raged all around us. To keep things moving and fluid, the opposing commanders actually had a comms line open so they could shift players around to open up new fronts and conflicts. You could, if you wished, go ‘lone wolf’ and just do your own thing, but very often you’d find that you either ended up dead very quickly or stranded miles from the action.

”there’s just one or two… there’s just one or two… I bloody hope he’s right….”

As a comparison to computer gaming, AOW has elements of Rainbow Six, Operation Flashpoint and Battlefield 2 all rolled into one. I was struck by how similar to Battlefield 2 the whole thing felt, especially if you get onto a server where everyone plays properly. In AOW, working as a team was a definite advantage, just as it is in BF2, and when you work as a squad you’ll find much more success in both BF2 and this.

“Hehe…Come to momma US soldier boy…”

The major difference between online games and AOW is the adrenaline REALLY gets pumping when you’re legging it across open ground with bullets nipping at your heels… and it’s far more knackering. It has to be said that given the choice, I’d go for another weekend of AOW with Stirling Services over an evening of Battlefield 2 any day. You’re guaranteed a good game with like-minded players for whom its not the kill ratios or scores that matters, but that you play the game properly and back up your team-mates… Even in the short time we were there, and even given the fact we were complete n00bs, the sense of camaraderie once we’d completed an objective was immense with big cheesy grins all round… If you haven’t given it a go before and fancy a bucket-load more realism, I thoroughly recommend it.