Is it just me but is this [Sony] announcement just a bit "Meh!"
~ HEXUS reader 3dcandyXbox and PlayStation may be two of the world's biggest entertainment brands, but all those years of experience didn't stop Microsoft nor Sony from making a pig's ear of each next-generation product announcement.
At events that were supposed to lead to a fever pitch of excitement, both struggled to capture the imagination and claim an early win in the so-called next-generation console war. Instead, Sony went and left its hardware at home, while Microsoft revealed a box that, among other things, lets you watch TV.
What is Microsoft smoking these days? Everything they're doing is off the wall stupid
~ HEXUS reader aidanjtHardly riveting stuff, but let's be fair, we gamers are arguably the toughest audience to please. Sure, we like to poke fun, but does anyone really think that Microsoft's '80s VHS player and Sony's invisible console will deliver anything other than an amazing gaming experience?
Next week's E3 Expo will put both platforms under the spotlight once again, and who knows, if we're lucky we might get release dates, prices and, fingers crossed, plenty of in-game demonstrations.
But before that happens, and before sentiments shift, let's gauge opinion. Based on what you've seen, heard or discovered thus far, are you leaning toward the Xbox One or PlayStation 4? And what will either platform need to show next week in order to sway you in any one direction? Let us know in the comments below.
QOTW: First impressions - Xbox One or PlayStation 4?
by Parm Mann
on 7 June 2013, 16:30
Sony (NYSE:SNE),
Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)
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