TimeGate Studios and Gamecock team up for next-gen FPS, Section 8

by Nick Haywood on 4 July 2007, 11:52

Tags: FPS

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The F.E.A.R. guys are going cross-platform

TimeGate Studios, creators of the critically acclaimed Kohan series and the award-winning F.E.A.R. Extraction Point, have announced that Gamecock Media Group will publish their upcoming cross-platform sci-fi shooter, Section 8, scheduled for release in 2009.

Said Adel Chaveleh, President and CEO of TimeGate: “We are ecstatic to be working with a publisher as developer-friendly and supportive of original ideas as Gamecock. Section 8 is our most ambitious project to date, and it’s really exciting to have the full support of our publisher to deliver the absolute best game possible.”

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“Often times we gather in the Cockpit to discuss the ideal developers we want to work with. TimeGate has always been at the top of the list. I can’t wait to let gamers know more about their upcoming masterpiece.” commented Harry Miller, President and Head of Development for Gamecock Media Group.

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So, obvious innuendos aside, from the look of this concept artwork, Section 8 could be a bit special… but 2009 is a long way off so let’s wait and see what happens in the meantime…

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