Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting coming to Xbox LIVE Arcade soon!

by Nick Haywood on 1 June 2006, 10:29

Tags: Street Fighter, Cat Games, Twentieth Century Fox, Beat 'em up

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...and who could argue that Chun-Li kicks ass?

According to Capcom, this spectator-based system is a tribute to the title's arcade roots, allowing online competitors to use a "virtual quarter" to "buy into" heated two player matches. “Quarters" are used to virtually represent players and pays homage to the arcade tradition of claiming the right to play the next game.

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The idea is to try and recapture the spirit of swarming crowds at arcades, so onlookers can watch the current brawl in a game lobby as they wait to battle the victor. How cool is that? I well remember chucking my 20p at the bottom of the screen, lining up for a “winner stays on” battle…

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In addition to this voice chat support allows players to discuss the battle and even trash talk the current fighters. Competitors can highlight each other's "quarters" to check out their gamer tag data or add them as friends and, before entering the game lobby, users can choose either the competitive or casual option which determines whether stats are tracked or not.

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Look out for Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting on Xbox LIVE Arcade soon and I’ll see you lot in the lobby!

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Street Fighter has been awesome! A video of the new one would be great, but if it's as funny as the old one, it's definitely worth it
Haha, I played this recently on the SNES. Great fun :D