Nvidia's 376.19 WHQL drivers are optimised for Oculus Touch

by Mark Tyson on 6 December 2016, 10:01

Tags: NVIDIA (NASDAQ:NVDA), Facebook

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Nvidia released its Oculus Touch Virtual Reality GeForce Game Ready Drivers just ahead of the launch of these peripherals, today. The GeForce Game Ready 376.19 WHQL drivers are said to be "optimised for the 53 Oculus Rift games" launching with Oculus Touch, the Rift's new motion controls. Normally these game ready driver releases are optimised for two or three titles.

In VR experiences optimum performance is more important than ever to remove essentially uncomfortable feelings which can occur due to latency. Graphics problems such as lag, stuttering and so on are especially jarring when you are wearing a HMD.

If you are interested in the Oculus Rift and its Touch controllers then it's worth a look at the video above, providing a highlights reel of some of the titles available from day one. All these titles offer support for both the Oculus HMD and new motion controllers.

An Oculus blog post provides the full launch day list of Touch controller friendly titles now available with links to further information about each game. If you already have the Oculus HMD it's probably better to browse the Oculus Store today wearing your headset.

If you had pre-ordered the Oculus Touch controllers you would have both The Unspoken and VR Sports Challenge for free today. If not, at least you have the consolation that a "fan-favourite demo experience," called Toybox will be free for all buyers from today.

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Mine arrived yesterday and I have to say playing “I Expect you to die” and “Super Hot VR” were two of the most immersive VR experiences i've had - and also both experiences where I really didn't want to put the rift down.

The controllers are very well designed being very comfortable to use (You don't have to actually “Hold” them as such - they just sit in your hands - hard to explain) and from my experience using them for 3 hours straight last night, no tracking issues - all very smooth. Just like the headset itself, the touch controllers are effectively a more refined, more comfortable version of what the HTC Vive offers.

The games i've tried out so far have been loads of fun too and the touch controllers make a huge difference to immersion. Vive focused titles like “The Lab” and “Job Simulator” work really well with them too - although it's a bit odd to have the vive's “Wand” type controllers visible in-game rather than your hands or the rifts controllers (as they are such a different shape), you can adjust to it fairly easily.

Overall i've been really impressed with them - I am still highly skeptical of the whole “room scale” thing as the cable is still a bit of a pain, but touch interaction really does make a big difference.

If buying a new VR setup today I would be hard pressed to recommend the HTC Vive to anyone - The Rift and Vive are now comparatively priced (if buying touch controllers) but there is just such a big gap in the comfort between the two both in terms of the headset and the controllers…the vive is a tough sell now.
But do the drivers work, yet? :lol: