Medal of Honor Limited Edition to cost same as standard game

by Steven Williamson on 14 July 2010, 16:41

Tags: Medal of Honor, Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA)

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The announcement of Limited Edition's don't often come with their own trailer, but Electronic Arts has broken the mold with a short trailer to try and encourage pre-orders for Medal of Honor.

The Limited Edition version of Medal of Honor doesn't sound that great, but when it costs the same as the standard version you can't really complain. It will grant players exclusive access to the MP7, a unique weapon. Limited Edition owners will also benefit from day-one access to the TOZ-194 and 870MC2 shotguns, while others must rank up to secure these weapon unlocks.

“Access to a weapon like the MP7 will allow players to experience a tool developed with the Special Operations Community in mind, “said Greg Goodrich, Executive Producer of Medal of Honor. “With its light weight, high rate of fire and its ability to penetrate body armor, the MP7 handles like a pistol yet allows targets to be engaged like a rifle.”

We hoped for something a bit meatier, but with the only catch for these extra goodies being that you have to preorder the game, it's a no brainer for those looking to pick up the WWI shooter.

It launches October 15,2010. Check out the trailer...

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awaiting the announcement it's going to cost the price of a limited edition game for either version next…