Will Peter Molyneux’s Kickstarter Project GODUS game get funded?

by Mark Tyson on 18 December 2012, 14:30

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Peter Molyneux’s Kickstarter funding attempt for the game Project GODUS is now in its last three days. As time marches on the project is, as I write, over £80,000 away from its goal of £450,000 of funding. Peter Molyneux’s development team 22 Cans, who are ready make the game, has put together a new video showing a working proof of concept for the game. It is hoped that the new video will generate enough interest to propel this Kickstarter project towards a successful fundraising conclusion.

Godus Prototype video 1 from 22Cans on Vimeo.

The Project GODUS gameplay trailer does a good job of outlining this new God game which is, if funded, going to be available for PC, Mac, Android and iOS. The Kickstarter funding page outlines the game idea: “As a god your destiny is to spread your influence throughout the world. But you are only as powerful as your following. Using your ability to sculpt the land, you can create a habitable environment that will allow a population of believers to flourish... Half a living sandbox world, and half a strategy game, players can choose to explore the power of the almighty however they wish.” The Kickstarter page says GODUS will be the ultimate God game “prepare for the Ultimate God Game: Single Player, Multiplayer, Cross-Platform gameplay, sandbox worlds, strategic battles, living populations, and the power to create, change, and destroy the very structure of the world”.

People think “I’m richer than Mark Zuckerberg”

The cheapest pledge to get a digital downloadable copy of the finished game is for £15. While we are on the subject of cash, talking about the state of the Kickstarter campaign to gaming magazine VG247, Peter Molyneux put forward an interesting theory. He said that he thinks the Kickstarter fund raising campaign is being harmed by stories about his personal wealth. Molyneux said “I am not by any measure a hugely wealthy individual.” He explained that “I think the confusion is that for every game I’ve done, I have received vast, huge riches of royalties from. In fact, most of the royalties from my games have gone into continuing to fund the company”.

Will Project GODUS reach its funding target?

HEXUS Forums :: 13 Comments

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it looks ok from what i've seen on yougscast interview with him but this type of graphics are dead unless your doing the game for a child,

i loved his black & white but rest i did not see them to be worth the money
Ive backed it, slipped under my radar this one! I doubt it will look like that video as they put that together in 2 weeks, graphics will definitely be better (i hope) love the concept though its alot better than most God games, I can see it being relatively entertaining :). They just need to make sure it has vast amount of different buildings and people :).
I won't be. What he promises and what you get never match up and the endings are always a disapointment
When I checked this morning, it was trending towards 87%. Now it's at 91%. If that momentum keeps up, it MIGHT just do it.
Not hopeful though.
Not quite sure about the ground level mechanism - I prefer Populous' raise/lower mechanic than this levelling mechanic.

I hope it also gets all the classical buildings from the originals, rather than these odd apartments.