Valve's 'Free to Play' movie is now free to watch

by Mark Tyson on 20 March 2014, 15:45

Tags: Valve, PC

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Valve has published its documentary movie about the lives of e-sports athletes around the world today. It's graciously available for free from the Steam store "You already own Free to Play," or YouTube or even iTunes. Of course you can also microwave a big bag of popcorn, concoct a slushie and stay here on HEXUS for an hour and fifteen minutes to enjoy the full gaming documentary, embedded below.

Valve's documentary follows three professional gamers (or e-sports athletes) from around the world, as they compete for a million dollar prize in the first Dota 2 International Tournament in Cologne, Germany in 2011. The gaming firm informs us that e-sports has "become one of the most widely-practiced forms of competitive sport today". This tournament's million dollar prize was a milestone for practicing and aspiring professional gamers. The film delves into the lifestyles, the challenges and the sacrifices pro gamers have to make at the highest level of competition.

Since the main feature release Valve has added a couple of extras for interested viewers. If you would like to see some behind the scenes footage you can watch Behind the Scenes: The World of Dota and Behind the Scenes: The Finale, just click those links. Also you can see hyhy's neighbourhood tour and watch Fear attempt to throw a basketball for 47 seconds.

Interestingly Free to Play has associated DLC, which isn't free – but it isn't just more videos. The DLC sets listed for Free to Play on Steam are actually sets of in-game items favoured and used by the three starring Dota 2 players; Fear, hyhy and Dendi.

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Saw this on steam a few days ago and I'm interested in seeing it. Will have to wait till next week though.
Probably wouldn't have given this a second thought but I really enjoyed Indie Game : The Movie so it is already preloaded and waiting for me when I get home…
I watched it earlier today, really enjoyed it. I would recommend it even if you don't really play games (let alone Dota2).
This is one really good documentary.
It's really not one-sided. It shows the good and bad in esports gaming.
I'm not telling you much because I want you guys to watch it yourself. It's not borring I can assure you that ;)