Battle of Europe - PC

by Nick Haywood on 20 February 2006, 08:26

Tags: Black Bean Games, Shoot 'em up

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Arcade action over Blighty!

Battle Of Europe, from Black Bean Games, is an arcade flight sim set in the skies over Southern England and Europe during World War 2.

According the Black Bean, Battle of Europe offers fast, arcade style gameplay with a historical theme. Players will control the best combat aircraft of the era and even some "top secret" ones! This fast paced title lets players engage their enemies over some of the most beautiful landscapes in Europe.

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Players will be able to launch deadly bombing runs, barrel roll and loop the loop through enemy territory. With the addition of secret weapons and special power ups, players have all the right tools to complete their objective. Missions are branched offering gamers more than one option for success and lending good replay value to the title.

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With 16 missions and loads of accurately modelled aircraft, bases and ships, Black Bean reckon Battle of Europe is set to be the arcade combat sim you’ll want to have… so keep an eye it for more as we near the March launch.

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