Go!View offers Premiership football on your PSP

by Steven Williamson on 18 August 2008, 09:21

Tags: Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PSP

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In addition to offering comedy from the likes of The League of Gentlemen and TV series', including Ugly Betty, users can now watch highlights from the Premier League whilst on the move via Sony's PSP's video-on-demand service, Go!View.

The new service, which has kicked off to coincide with the start of the Premiership football season over the weekend, offers 45 minute highlights of matches that have been shown on Sky Sports.

In order to get the footy directly to your handheld you need to sign up to the Sky 'Sport's subscription service', which costs £5 a month.

Sky Sports say it will be showing 92 live Premier League games over the course of the season, in addition to 242 'nearly live' matches.

 "All GO!VIEW customers will be able to access games involving their favourite Premier League team," explains Sony.

From October, the service will also allow fans to transfer the season's best games to their PSP.

Source :: The Official Go!View site


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