The Return of Crazy Taxi, Doom 2 and more on XBLA

by Steven Williamson on 19 April 2010, 12:42

Tags: Sega (TYO:6460), Racing

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Last month SEGA outlined its commitment to resurrecting and doing justice to some of its old IPs, and today we hear that the first batch of games may be released shortly on the Xbox Live Arcade.

Digiex has discovered a batch of screenshots that appears to confirm that Quake Arena Arcade, Sonic Adventure: Director's Cut and Crazy Taxi will all be popping up on the Xbox Live Arcade shortly.

Other screenshots show Hydro Thunder and Doom 2 as potential candidates for the XBLA makeover.

Source: Digiex

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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Doom 2 I could live without as I have them on the PC anyway but crazy taxi is a welcomed game :D

Never had the dreamcast but I did have the PS2 version and loved it :)
Grey M@a;1909493
Doom 2 I could live without as I have them on the PC anyway but crazy taxi is a welcomed game :D

Never had the dreamcast but I did have the PS2 version and loved it :)

yeah some of the older gen games are still good. Got a version of CT on pc & xbox1 they're good fun!
have they improved the graphics of Crazy Taxi?

Something about that game just makes me relax
I used to love Crazy Taxi on the PS2 :p

Need to see if I can get it going on PCSX2 some day…