Review: Starcraft II Wings Of Liberty - Mulltiplayer Impressions

by Steven Williamson on 29 July 2010, 08:49

Tags: Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty (PC), Strategy

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Fast paced game, full of strategy

Anyway I was finally placed in the bronze league, kind of embarrassing but at least there will be people around my skill level there, and I was right - 2 games later and I won my first match..a great sense of achievement! Later I moved to the 2v2 matches which are even more fun in my opinion, teaming with some good (and bad) players and different races. Here I won 2/5 placement matches, a clear improvement. Hopefully my experience there will show you a few things.

1) There are already some very, very good players online, and these people have almost exclusively been playing the beta. It's not a fair fight, but once you get through the placement you will be up against people of a similar skill level to your own, and that makes it much more fun.

2) It's a very fast paced game, full of strategy. There are so many ways to play it (do you wall in and turtle, all out assault, mixture) and different build orders, but you have to have some kind of strategy in mind or you will suffer for it.

I've not even mentioned the graphics/sound yet - but both are stunning. The audio scripting is impressive and fits the mood perfectly, and the music adds an extra level of immersion. The graphics are good but not amazing..I somehow expected more, but they are good with an impressive level of detail. I am playing this on max settings at max resolution. The UI is virtually identical to Starcraft 1, with some noticeable enhancements..things like being able to tie spawn locations to other objects. For example you can get SCVs to start mining automatically as they spawn, or soldiers to immediately head to the battle scene, following another unit. Its intuitive, clear and very accessible to new and old players alike.