Review: Starcraft II Wings Of Liberty - Mulltiplayer Impressions

by Steven Williamson on 29 July 2010, 08:49

Tags: Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty (PC), Strategy

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I'm sure that there is much more that I have not mentioned - in fact there is..single player challenges, the wealth of achievements and its reward system, character customisation, the map editor, but I have not experienced these myself yet so its not fair for me to comment. Suffice to say that I love this game and it is every inch what I hoped from it. There is no question in my mind that it's worth the money, mainly for its multiplayer aspect and Battle.Net integration.

I should criticise some aspects I guess, and I know that some people will hate the fact that there is no built in LAN support, a requirement to be connected to Battle.Net for most features (though you *can* play offline), an online activation requirement, but tbh if you are bothered by this then don't buy it, it's your loss and in this case that requirement adds so much to the game that you could not otherwise get. The graphics could be a little better but that's just me being really picky..and and I would really love to be able to zoom out more, and to have multi monitor support ala SupComm, but I think that is just a dream for now. The best new game I have played for years.

Multiplayer score - 10/10

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