Review: Madagascar - PS2

by Nick Haywood on 28 July 2005, 00:00

Tags: Madagascar (PS2), Activision (NASDAQ:ATVI), Children's

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So, Madagascar, is it worth a buy or not? Well, if you’ve got kids and you’re at a loss what to do with them, yes it is. I will tag a proviso on there though, and that’s that they should see the film before playing the game, or it’ll ruin the film for them. Also, having not seen the film, they won’t have a clue what the characters are all about and half the fun for kids is seeing characters they know all over again and acting out the movie for themselves.

My only niggles really are with the camera and the controls, with the camera being the bigger of the two problems. It’s not necessarily a bad camera but it just could have been that little bit better. As such, you may well find yourself having to jump in to help your kids past some places as the game mechanics work against them. As for an age group? Well, my nine year old found it a bit of challenge though she made steady progress whereas the five year old just liked running around kicking the hell out of everything. I tried it on my 12 year old nephew who breezed it but enjoyed it all the same. So there you go, a decent buy if you’ve got kids aged between say 8 and 12, but take them to see the film first.

Easy controls
Difficulty just right for younger gamers
Faithful to the film
Plenty of variety

Camera dodgy at times
Controls a little woolly in places
Sudden switch in game styles will confuse the younger players

A jungle swinger...