Signalling, Built in Comms and Scripting
Remember to make good use of the built in commands in DOD, a program like Nextwish, from allows you to bind important commands to keys so you can issue commands at the stroke of a key. With a little thought and the use of mnemonics and some imagination you will soon be able to hit the correct command every time. I have "Sniper!" bound to X because it reminds me of a Cross-hair on the scope, flank left and right, move out and hold position are bound to the relevant arrow keys, “Grenade!” is bound to G, “Yes, Sir!” is bound to the up arrow and "Negative!" to the down arrow.
It's very easy to do and you can also do it directly in the config file if you feel more confident, lists of all the available commands are available on the net. The other option which many people use is to just learn all the numbers of the commands so they can issue any command with 2-3 keystrokes. This isn't as user friendly but is far more comprehensive.
Recently I have also heavily modified the in game commandmenu to allow me to perform almost any task quickly and with ease as well as adding large numbers of custom items including comprehensive commands and warnings etc. for specific maps. For example using one menu option on Avalanche I can choose to say "Warning>Sniper spotted>Enemy Bunker" which displays the message to my team saying "WARNING: Sniper located at the Enemy Bunker." There are also the % commands n, l, c, h, i these can be added to your binds to give your location and status quickly and simply.
My commandmenu file and config file as well as some other useful DOD files can be found below:
Greasegun sound file
Sniper sprites 1
Sniper sprites 2
Feel free to download them and use them. If you want to modify them go right ahead and please let me know what you think of them and whether you have any ideas for improvements.
At close range the Kar98k is not ideal unless you get a good first shot or
take the time to pause and make your shot count
Always remember you are cannon fodder!
Don't worry too much about your score, sure it's nice to be top of the board or to get the best Kill to Death ratio but what's more important is your team winning. So remember it is important to get the right kills not the most. On maps like Dog1 and Overlord it is vital to kill the enemies up in the bunkers if you are allies. So don't worry if they keep getting you just keep crouching and firing as you move up the beach. Also killing snipers and MGs should always be top priority as they can tear the heart out of an assault or defence, so don't worry if your suicidal Grenade attack earns you a posthumous VC, all suicidal Grenade charges should end with you dying as you pop the grenade through the window or bunker view slit.
Also if you see the enemy about to take a flag rush in throwing grenades every where and stop them. So long as the capture is broken you have succeeded and that's all that matters. Or if you see the enemy about to do the same, to prevent your team taking a flag, stop them no matter what it costs.
In DOD you are nothing but a dead man walking so don't be too protective of yourself. Remember it's always best to die doing something important than quietly in a corner snivelling like a girl because your precious score is suffering. I find the most enjoyable games are often the ones where your score rarely gets much above 1:1 but you are the guy that was always there on the assaults or defences drawing enemy fire away from team mates so they could achieve an objective.
Crouch firing
With the new recoil and aiming systems in DOD the days of running and firing from the hip are gone. To actually hit anything you'll need to stop and aim. Pausing whilst standing will allow the moving part of the cross-hair to come to rest and you'll be able to get off one shot accurately. If you crouch though this happens faster and for weapons like rifles it will allow you to fire faster and more accurately than if standing.
If you are going to shoot I definitely recommend firing from crouched rather than standing as it is pretty rare to get a kill with the first shot so you'll need to fire more than one which means going crouched will let you do this faster, more accurately and make you a smaller target.
The guns this works best with are the Garand, carbine and the automatic weapons (Tommy gun, BAR, STG44, MP40). The Garand and carbine are particularly lethal in this mode. The Kar98 doesn't need it as much as it has a slow rate of fire and by the time the next round is chambered whilst standing the cross-hair is steady again. Also due to its high accuracy and power you very rarely need a second shot.