Half-Life: Day of Defeat Players' Guide

by David Ross on 13 February 2003, 00:00

Tags: Half Life, Vivendi Universal Interactive (NYSE:VIV), PC, FPS

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Keep an eye on your ammo level

You should always try to make sure that you have enough ammo in your gun for most eventualities. This varies from gun to gun with the Garand I'd say it's 2-3 rounds minimum before you deliberately fire them off and reload, with the carbine 5-8, SMGs probably about 10, BAR 5-8, STG 44 10 etc. These are up to you to modify and are purely a rough guide. Just find levels that you feel comfortable with and make sure you stick to them.

Also MGs run through ammo very fast especially those that are performing well. So keep them well stocked at all times and if the MG gunner calls for ammo go give it to him, there's no point you hanging on to it. It's often a good idea when you are dead to cycle through your teams’ players and note the locations of MGs. Then route your path in the map to go via them so that you can drop them some ammo on the way. There's nothing worse than being an MG running out of/without ammo. They have no other weapon so they rely on charity or have to get themselves killed.

As you can see the encounter in the previous picture ended as expected with the SMG player winning and able to reload at leisure

Grenades – Frag and Stick

Grenades are one of the most poorly used weapons in DOD and even hardened veterans fail to exploit their awesome power to its full potential. A grenade can with a bit of practice be wielded with the same pin point accuracy as a rifle.

To begin with you need to practice throwing these little explosive projectiles until you can get them in a window every time or hit the correct spot on the ground. This may sound hard but is just a matter practice and it's important you can do this instinctively to proceed to the next step.

At this stage now you should be proficient at planting a grenade exactly where you want it. Now is the time to rectify the fact that there's no way to adjust the timer on the grenade. Select a grenade as normal then aim at you feet and throw it there, now look at it and press the use key (usually E). Hey presto! You're now holding a live grenade and the 5 seconds until detonation is ticking away. So throw it like you would normally with the fire button. This is why the practice was important because once you drop it you need to be able to hit you target without dithering, dithering is not something to do with a live grenade.

With a bit more practice you'll be able to time them to go off as they hit the ground. This can be very confusing for many people as they will not even here the grenade land at times of if they do they won't be able to escape.

Using the "use" key you can also pick up enemy grenades and throw them back. With some skill you can even catch them in mid air. Be warned though that catching a grenade that has been thrown with the above method is not gonna be pretty. But on the plus side you can use this to "Throw yourself on the grenade", metaphorically, and save you team mates. If the grenade goes off in your hand it'll just kill you and not your team mates. Be warned though if you try and throw it and it goes off as it leaves your hand all kills will be classed as yours you TEAM KILLER!

Finally grenades can also be use in the standard way after I've told you all that. They are great for delaying enemies and a well placed group of grenades can block or decimate an enemy squad not to mention providing you with good cover for a couple of seconds. When laying a barrage of grenades don't throw them all at once in one place. They will just go off within a couple of seconds of each other and then you are grenadeless. It's better to throw one every few seconds to keep up a more sustained barrage that will block moment and conceal your troops.

I have also been known on times when surprised with a primed grenade in my hand to spam the room with them in panic then jump out the window or sprint for the door. This either gets you shot or free and most likely sees the bemused enemy getting severely blown up.

Finally when on the receiving end of a grenade attack your best bet is often to sprint straight towards the thrower. It's probably the last thing they're expecting and you just have to hit crouch and fire a shot or two at them or perhaps use your pistol's full clip whilst charging them. Either way you should get clear of the blast and may even get a kill for your troubles.

NOTE1: Stick grenades go further than the round American frag grenades, so practice with both.
NOTE2: The Greasegun and Para-carbine have folding stocks, the animation for these takes some time which means that when you use your last grenade you switch to your primary weapon and have to wait for the stock to be clicked into place before you can "use" the grenade and pick it up. This leaves you with very little time to throw the grenade and unless you are very proficient chances are you'll take too long aiming or miss throw it in panic quite possibly injuring yourself and others.

Allied Sniper in position barely poking out of gap to make himslef as small a target as possible