Half-Life: Day of Defeat Players' Guide

by David Ross on 13 February 2003, 00:00

Tags: Half Life, Vivendi Universal Interactive (NYSE:VIV), PC, FPS

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qap3

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Pistols – A man's best friend

Pistols are a much overlooked weapon they are not necessarily a weapon of last resort but a highly useful weapon for close quarter combat. A pistol is of very little use at anything more than short to slightly more than short range. But within that range they can spew out a large number of bullets in a very short time. I find that it works best when you use a series of double taps, 2 shot bursts. Aim click twice pause briefly to adjust your aim and repeat until the clip is empty or they are dead. The brief pause helps combat the recoil and means that you get far more shots on target.

When you run out of ammo with your primary weapon at close range don't try and reload instead whip out your pistol, it's much faster believe me, and empty the entire clip into the as fast as you can. If this hasn't succeeded in dispatching your current nemesis then you have to chose how best to proceed, in general reloading the pistol is your best bet because it has the fastest reload time of any weapon. On the other hand you may decide it’s more appropriate to rush in for a melee kill (Spade, Knife or Bayonet).

The main thing you have to remember is to make drawing your pistol at close range when out of ammo an instinctive move. It will catch most players by surprise as they attempt to reload their main weapon.

Finally a note for all you snipers out there. In general use your rifle as your primary weapon, only switch to the pistol if your first shot misses. The Rifle will do much more damage so make sure you at least try that first shot as it could very well be the deciding shot.

Spade, Bayonet and Knife!

The melee weapons aren't used nearly enough by most players and you should be getting at least 1-2 kills with them every game, especially the bayonet if you are Axis Leicht Infantrie. The melee weapons are virtually silent and are also almost impossible to miss with.

These weapons are ideal when you are close behind an unsuspecting enemy either a stationary one or one on the move. If they are stationary just walk up to them and hold the attack key until they are severely dead, this will keep the blade slicing as fast as is possible. If they are on the move shooting them will often give you away or in the time you pause to crouch aim and fire they may well get away. So in these circumstances it is often better to sprint up to within melee range and attack in the same way as above.

The joy of a successful spade attack is huge and will put a smile on the faces of most players in the server. Also, because it is silent(ish), you won't have alerted any nearby enemies to your presence. Because of the speed with which the blade slices even if all you attack are their legs it will still kill them before they can turn around.

Reloading as there is only one bullet in the magazine. This helps prevent running out later on and should be done regualrly when you have some peace and quiet