Google Glass 2 is being designed by Luxottica of Italy

by Mark Tyson on 27 April 2015, 12:12

Tags: Google (NASDAQ:GOOG), ASUSTeK (TPE:2357), HTC (TPE:2498)

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New Google Glass

Google Glass seemed to arrive with a bang and then disappear with a whimper. The smart eyewear was a hot news topic and offered iconic tech gadget design. For many it embodied the essence of new and exciting wearable technology. However its limited distribution and high pricing caused public interest to wane before the Explorer Program was shuttered in January this year.

The closing of the Explorer program wasn't about the end of Glass but it graduating from a Google X product to a fully fledged Google product development. Now we are hearing some information about a new version of Google Glass, we'll call it Glass 2 for short.

Glass 2 is being worked on and will be released soon, reports the Wall Street Journal technology blog. On Friday the CEO of Italian eyewear maker Luxottica, Massimo Vian, talked about his firm's partnership with Google on the project. He told company shareholders in Italy that "We're now working on version 2, which is in preparation." Meanwhile a Google spokesperson confirmed "the team is heads down building the future of the product".

With Glass 2 a number of improvements are being implemented. Key enhancements will be; a longer battery life, improved sound, better display and a cheaper price tag. By pairing the smart eyewear with more traditional designs it is hoped that Glass wearers won't be as stigmatised, as was previously the case in some places or situations.

Nexus 7 departs

Google's Nexus 7 tablet has been retired. The compact and affordable Nexus device, first launched in July 2013, will no longer be sold by the official Google Store. There's no official statement or blog post about the removal of the ASUS made Nexus 7 from availability, just a red subheading which says it is "no longer available for purchase."

Right now the only Nexus tablet on sale via Google's Store is the HTC made Nexus 9. This admittedly offers a good step up in specifications but you really do pay for it. In the UK, this 9-inch screened tablet is priced from £319, but prices go all the way up to £459 with 32GB storage and LTE connectivity options selected.

HEXUS Forums :: 7 Comments

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By pairing the smart eyewear with more traditional designs it is hoped that Glass wearers won't be as stigmatised, as was previously the case in some places or situations.
Not with me it won't, because the issue is with function, not form.
Definitely something to keep an eye on :)

I still like my Glass, and rooted I can run the older firmware which doesn't have the same battery/overheating issues :) Mine is limited to being a head mounted camera now for filming RC Heli flights or for some sat nav applications in terms of real world use, but we're still experimenting with app/interface ideas and I am really curious what they come up with for version 2.

I just hope they don't take the approach that Epson and Microsoft have taken- looks aside Glass v1 works at its best when you get that sweet spot of the screen being just outside your vision, so you can look around normally most of the time and glance at it when you need it. You didn't need any lenses (clear or otherwise) to use it. Going the full Epson/Hololens style would be a huge step back imo. I have a suspicion they may take that sort of route due to trying to make them more socially acceptable, but I guess we'll see in the next few months!
By pairing the smart eyewear with more traditional designs it is hoped that Glass wearers won't be as stigmatised, as was previously the case in some places or situations.
Not with me it won't, because the issue is with function, not form.

Perhaps anybody who thinks Glass wearers would not be stigmatised should wear a GoPro into a toilet or communal changing room and see what happens before spending the money?
By pairing the smart eyewear with more traditional designs it is hoped that Glass wearers won't be as stigmatised, as was previously the case in some places or situations.
Not with me it won't, because the issue is with function, not form.

Perhaps anybody who thinks Glass wearers would not be stigmatised should wear a GoPro into a toilet or communal changing room and see what happens before spending the money?
I'm not convinced. A GoPro is obviously a camera but if, as given in the quote above, the GG2 just looks like a “fancy pair of glasses” then it's not as obvious that it's a potential surveillance device (sounds better than “perv enabler”). It's only perhaps the “techno-literati” that might be aware.

On the other hand if it's done very well are wearers of conventional glasses going to be viewed with suspicion? If so, then maybe I need to order some more packs of contact lenses.
My wife and I both use Nexus 7's, 32Gb with wireless charging. I am sorry to see it withdrawn as I cannot see a worthy replacement anywhere–and that includes Apples' Ipad