WP7 tipped to debut on 21 October

by Sarah Griffiths on 27 September 2010, 14:32

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Sony Ericsson

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Symbian suffers a knock

In related OS news, Sony Ericsson has told Bloomberg it will ditch Symbian and switch entirely to Android in a bid to perk up its ailing smartphone offering.

Sony Ericsson is the lastest firm to dump the OS. Sony Ericsson spokesperson Aldo Liguori told the news service: "We have no plans for the time being to develop any new products to the Symbian Foundation standard or operating system."

The phone company's move will be a blow to Symbian, which is hanging on in there as the world's most popular OS, but is slipping all the time as Apple and Android gain market share. According to recent Gartner figures, the OS now commands 41.2 percent of the market, compared with 51 percent a year earlier.

Sony Ericson currently makes phones supporting two different OS.  Its Vizaz range runs Symbian but other handsets run Android. Rikko Sakaguchi, Sony Ericsson's chief creation officer told Bloomberg: "We have made a significant shift to support Android," back in July, while acknowledging that the Symbian-run Vivaz range was doing well.

Nokia spearheaded the Symbian foundation in 2008. It was designed to share code with the likes of Sony Ericson, Samsung plus developers and chip makers in a bid for OS domination but since then, Samsung has swapped to Android as well as its own OS, Bada, while Motorola has also ditched Symbian.

Liguori reportedly said the move to Android is "not exclusive, but it will certainly continue to be an important platform for us." 

However, Nokia has recently said it has received ‘a record number of online preorders' for its forthcoming N8 flagship handset, which will be Nokia's first Symbian^3 smartphone. While Nokia has defended its Symbian platform amid criticism it doesn't stack up to Android and Apple's iOS, the firm is perhaps confusingly still working on MeeGo, which is expected to feature on the highly anticipated N9 handset.

To add to the Nokia OS confusion further, recent rumours have also hinted that Nokia could run WP7 on some of its handsets if its new CEO fancies changing its strategy.

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WP7 seems to be going from bad to worse with a developing lack of features :(
No copy and paste function.. As in no copy and paste with text as well… surely not!
How can they not have copy and paste?? They are trying to pull a Steve Jobs??
Am I the only one that hasn't actually used copy and paste on…. * scratches head and thinks * ….any previous phones?

I'm sure it will be added in a future update. I bet that was a feature at the edge of requirements so was dropped when crunch time approached to get this out the door.
Am I the only one that hasn't actually used copy and paste on…. * scratches head and thinks * ….any previous phones?

maybe! :)

The adverts seem to suggest that this is a phone for seeing that you have a text, and seeing your friends are facebooking or whatever, but not for actually seeing what they have said, and maybe replying to them.