Microsoft mobilises partner ecosystem for WP7 launch

by Scott Bicheno on 12 October 2010, 16:20

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Quotes, specs and tariffs

One result of this semi-controlled platform is that handset-makers and operators have little opportunity to differentiate their phones and services. That didn't stop them coming out in force to big-up WP7. Everything Everywhere CEO Tom Alexander was at the event, with Orange being proclaimed Microsoft's lead operator partner in the UK, but plenty of others were quick to issue statements.

"Windows Phone 7 is an entirely fresh mobile experience, on which HTC is excited to be going big. We see tremendous customer opportunities with the integration of Microsoft's most popular services like Xbox LIVE and Zune," said Peter Chou, CEO of HTC.

"We have designed LG Optimus 7 series to include a truly innovative sharing experience via the Windows Phone 7 environment," said Dr. Jong-seok Park, president and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile. "Having worked closely with Microsoft to develop these fantastic devices, we are thrilled to now be able to reveal our vision of what a true Windows Phone 7 should be."

"Together, Windows Phone 7 on a Dell platform brings a fresh new approach to do more with fewer steps," said Ron Garriques, president of the Dell Communication Solutions Group. "This is a whole new opportunity for us to bring out mobile devices that make everybody's life a little more productive."

"Windows Phone 7 is a completely fresh start for Microsoft and brings them right into the smartphone space," said Steve Alder, O2 devices GM. "The large memory and big screen on the HTC HD7, a great exclusive for O2, means that our customers will get the very best experience out of Windows Phone 7."

Given the limited scope for handset and operator differentiation, Microsoft arranged various hanset exclusives for operators, which we've summarised below together with the ‘free' monthly tariffs - generally 24 month, and price of PAYG handset in brackets if applicable - below.

Key specs
HTC Mozart
3.7" WVGA screen, 8MP camera, 8GB storage

Samsung Omnia 7
4" super AMOLED, 5MP, up to 8GB

HTC 7 Trophy
3.8" WVGA, 5MP, 8GB


LG Optimus 7
3.8" WVGA, 5M, 16GB


4.3" WVGA, 5MP, 16GB

£40 (£379)


UPDATE - 16:40, 12 October 2010: We nearly forgot, Microsoft has some amusing ads for WP7, embedded below.




HEXUS Forums :: 1 Comment

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Microsoft could not afford crappy reviews of the first Windows phones - that may well have killed the project at birth - so has been a bit conservative with the first phones. Not only do we get Snapdragon mark one, but features like copy-and-paste won't appear until next year. Some commentators are making a big deal of this but it has never occurred to us to crave that functionality in our Android phone.

Does not compute :confused: