Sony Ericsson WP7 phones apparently leaked onto YouTube

by Scott Bicheno on 15 November 2010, 10:28

Tags: Sony Ericsson

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Plausible leak

Some person, uploading to YouTube for the first time under that account, has published a short video clip showing a few slides from a supposed Sony Ericsson presentation. Pocketnow is the first tech site we're aware of to write about it.

The slides, if they're authentic, reveal SE's belated entry into the Microsoft Windows Phone 7 ecosystem. This is something we presumed would happen eventually, considering SE's abandonment of Symbian and a conspicuous lack of legal heat from Microsoft for its Android phones.

The flagship handset looks like being the Xperia X7. One reason for SE's delay in joining the party - apart from its usual OS tardiness - could be the use of a Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8260, which is the first dual-core Snapdragon. It does seem odd, if this is the case however, that SE would only give it a 480x800 screen when it measures a massive 4.3 inches, and the MSM8260 has turbo-charged Adreno 220 graphics and can support 1280x800.

Consistent with the Xperia range, the leaked slides reveal a ‘mini' version too. Apart from having a slightly smaller 3.5 inch screen, it supposedly uses the vanilla Snapdragon - QSD 8250 - so you would expect this phone to be an order of magnitude cheaper.

We must stress that this is a leak from one, effectively anonymous, source, so it could well be a hoax. If it is, however, it's quite a plausible one and we wouldn't be surprised to see a similar announcement from more official sources before long.

We've embedded the vieo below and also published screenshots in case it gets taken down.





HEXUS Forums :: 2 Comments

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Surely a fake, otherwise the Mini will be below WP7 minimum specs (and the X7 above specs of all the other phones released so far…).
So phones with higher resolutions may finally have a chance of being produced? Good good.