Hacked WP7 phones won’t update

by Janani Krishnaswamy on 5 May 2011, 16:33

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Patience is a virtue

Microsoft engineers announced they are working on resolving problems that users were facing while updating their phones. The company was in the process of rolling out a Windows Phone update called 7392, which fixes nine fraudulent third-party digital certificates.

It seems that some WP7 users, frustrated with the slow pace of Microsoft, followed an unofficial mechanism - an updater tool created by developer Chris Walsh.

Microsoft has now confirmed through a blog post by director of Developer Experience for Windows Phone, Brandon Watson, that an unofficial mechanism will not give the same results as expected. Engineers are now working on resolving a bug that was initially caused by an unofficial update tool that several people had used. 

Watson in his blog said: "With Windows Phone update build 7392 going out to phones via the official update mechanism, those people who have used the unsupported method of forcing 7390 onto their phones will find that their phones will not update to 7392. With the official update process there is a requirement that the package on the phone also be official in order to update itself."

Explaining how engineers test their updates, he noted that "Zune is the only official way to update the operating system on the phones."He added that those who couldn't get the latest update would "have to return to a store and submit your phone for a manufacturing return."

Noting that their priorities are focused on improving the process by which updates get to Windows Phone, it looks like there might not be a fix soon, as Watson said "undoing this specific problem was not in our schedule."


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Another reason to go Android.
Stupid people for doing things with their phones they shouldn't have been. No sympathy here!
Another reason to go Android.
Erm no? If you significantly alter the ROM, you break the update process.

The issue here is that the 3rd party update tool didn't include a revert back function. So you could blame the 3rd parties I suppose?

Or just fandroid on….
Im currently on windows 6.5 with my HD2 so not an Android fanboy. What I thought it meant was that custom roms etc could not be used or any other things from xdev.
Im currently on windows 6.5 with my HD2 so not an Android fanboy. What I thought it meant was that custom roms etc could not be used or any other things from xdev.

I shifted from winmo to android earlier in the year, have to say android feals more like winmo with a flashy front end the more I use it. And there are also plenty of android phones that are a bitch to update to later roms.