HTC WP7 phone press shot leaks

by Scott Bicheno on 26 August 2011, 11:57

Tags: HTC (TPE:2498), Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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If HTC is aiming for water-tight secrecy around its product launches it clearly still has a bit of work to do. The confidentiality of the event itself is somewhat undermined by broadcasting the date and location on Facebook, and what little mystique left is definitely not helped by letting your press photos escape prematurely into the public domain.

But that's exactly what has happened, courtesy of pocketnow. The image below is claimed to be of the HTC Omega, which may be called the Radar upon release, or not. As you can see it's a pretty standard HTC look - especially reminiscent of the Trophy (underneath). There has been a move to silver/grey, maybe because Apple has yet to be granted a patent on that colour, but the phone is still dangerously rectangular.

The arrangements of the phones are consistent with the HTC press-shot style, although all images seem to have now been removed from the HTC press site, presumably to make things more challenging and stimulating for us hacks.



Other than the piccie, there's speculation about the spec. It's a given that the SoC will be Qualcomm's, it's just a matter of which one. The dream chip would be the the dual-core MSM 8x60, found in the Android Sensation, but pocketnow reckons it will be the MSM 8x55. The story says it's likely to be single-core which is a fair assumption, because it is. The photo appears to reveal a front-facing camera, which may well exist to allow Skype video chat.

When the first lot of HTC WP7 phones launched they also declined to use the very latest Snapdragon available, so it wouldn't be a great surprise if that was the case again. But whatever the reason behind this trend, HTC and Microsoft might want to have a look at it, as performance is becoming increasingly important in the high-end smartphone market and they risk being uncompetitive in that respect.


HEXUS Forums :: 9 Comments

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There has been a move to silver/grey, maybe because Apple has yet to be granted a patent on that colour, but the phone is still dangerously rectangular.

Love this but i wouldnt be surprised if they try!
Hehe, made me chuckle too, wait, mic at the bottom earpiece at the top?? Someone call the fruit co.'s lawyers!!!

They definitely need the speed of the latest chips in these to be fighting the Sensation et al. Look forward to seeing how they fare, with iphone 5 and its cheap sister around the corner.
I don't get the perceived need for faster chips, I have the HD7 and the current single core chip is plenty fast enough, i've never experienced any slow down or lack of performance, everything has always been silky smooth.
I'm going to hang on til WP8. Mainly because of the 1080p video recording. Otherwise this looks not too bad, but equally doesnt stand out from their other phones. It just looks like a stretched Wildfire to me.

HTC do need to improve their camera lenses massively. I was shocked at how much better the iPhone 4 is to theirs. Low light shots without flash are so much better, and the video is very smooth compared to HTC.
I don't get the perceived need for faster chips, I have the HD7 and the current single core chip is plenty fast enough, i've never experienced any slow down or lack of performance, everything has always been silky smooth.

I have the HD7 also, and an iphone 3GS, the HD7 is great, and when spotify hits wp7 (or mango) the iphone goes. Yes the HD7 interface and simple stuff is smooth, as you'd expect, the better games however are very slow to load, the extra umph +2core will also mean it can take advantage of mango's multithreading