Windows phones outsell iPhone during Q1 in China and Russia

by Mark Tyson on 18 May 2012, 12:21

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Nokia (NYSE:NOK), Windows Phone

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Microsoft’s Windows Phones are outselling iPhones in the Chinese and Russian markets. Though Windows Phone was only launched in China 2 months ago it has surged to 7 per cent market share compared to 6 per cent for iOS. Android is still top dog in China with 69 per cent of the market.

Meanwhile in Russia figures from their largest mobile operator MTS have been released that paint a similar picture to the Chinese results. In the Russian results Windows Phone accounted for 8.2 per cent of sales compared to 7.3 per cent for iOS devices. The leading sales for Q1 2012 in Russia were Symbian, Android, and then Bada OS based smartphones at 38, 35 and 11 per cent respectively.

Michel van der Bel, COO at Microsoft China expects growth to continue and also mentions a phablet like the Galaxy Note in the pipeline to use the Windows Mobile OS.  “Our smartphone and PC-tablet hybrid, which is suitable for the consumer, but also easy to insert in an existing business infrastructure. This allows us better than most competitors respond to the consumerisation of IT.”A pen enabled phablet with Microsoft office sounds quite an attractive proposition.

To help expand the Chinese Windows app store with quality apps Microsoft China currently employs 2,500 people in their R&D offices. Chinese users are said to be pleased with the Metro interface and the way the large colourful blocks work well with the Chinese character set compared to other OSes. Actually English speaking users are also very happy with the look and feel of Windows Phone Mango including the co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak. We await new figures for Windows Phone penetration in Europe and the US to see if this outselling iPhones is a global trend.

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More power to them.

I'd like to see both Windows and Android offer strong competition for Apple, and take substantial market share, because nothing will curb monopolistic exploitation batter than serious competition.
Now if Microsoft could just listen to their desktop users who couldn't care less about a touch interface they could make their next operating system a win all round.
Now if Microsoft could just listen to their desktop users who couldn't care less about a touch interface they could make their next operating system a win all round.

A boot to desktop as a default option with a ‘switch to metro’ button, rather than boot to metro and have to switch to destktop?
More power to them.

I'd like to see both Windows and Android offer strong competition for Apple, and take substantial market share, because nothing will curb monopolistic exploitation batter than serious competition.
Now if Microsoft could just listen to their desktop users who couldn't care less about a touch interface they could make their next operating system a win all round.

The vocal online minority and their luddite attitudes do not constitute a fair sample of the general public who all actually seem to like touching their things, thanks to a certain fruity company making it the in-thing with their iStuff. Don't like touch blame Apple, they brought it to the market and forced everyone else to do the same or seem old hat. Including MS, they are trying to catch-up with an OS to compete with iOS and enable Windows devices to compete vs iPad. Get some of that tablet market they invented 10yrs ago!

Windows 8 is all about touch, tablets and “new form factors”. Get used to it, the way of the world has been laid out.