Lumia 830 to slot into Nokia’s Windows Phone 8 range

by Mark Tyson on 7 November 2012, 16:39

Tags: Nokia (NYSE:NOK), Windows Phone, PC

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Chinese Windows Phone site WPDang has unearthed a new model Nokia Lumia phone that will slot into Nokia’s offerings at the mid/cheap end of the market. The new device is claimed to be called the Nokia Lumia 830, oddly the device is supposed to sit beneath the Lumia 820 in Nokia’s WP8 range as a successor to the capable and keenly priced Lumia 710.


Windows Phone 7.5

WP 7.8/Windows Phone 8

Budget product

Lumia 610

Lumia 510

Mid market

Lumia 710

Lumia 830

High end mass market

Lumia 800

Lumia 820

Top end aspirational

Lumia 900

Lumia 920


Was there something bad about the number 720, is it the HD-ready video connotations that caused this apparent naming glitch? If we look at the range numbering in the table above the old numbers didn’t make a lot of sense either. With the new Lumia WP 7.8/Windows Phone 8 range there is a gaping numerical chasm between the Lumia 510 and Lumia 820. WPDang suggests that the leading numeral 8 is now reserved for smartphones running Windows Phone 8.

In a post entitled “Nokia Lumia 830, new army of the mid-market” WPDang lets us in on a few details that its spies have found out about this new smartphone. The site says the new Nokia Lumia 830 will be available in five colour variations and this is backed up with picture evidence. It’s nice to see a green one for a change. However WPDang reveals no hardware specs at this time so it is hard to know what corners have been cut to make this Windows Phone 8 device cheaper than the Lumia 820.

The Nokia Lumia 820 is available SIM-free for £380 in the UK and the Lumia 920 for about £470. This pricing leaves a large gap between the Lumia 820 and the current budget Lumia 610 which sells for about £100. Nokia does need some smartphone market coverage in the wide region between these offerings rather than leaving this high-volume pricing bracket to competitors like HTC, ZTE, Huawei and Samsung etc.

HEXUS Forums :: 8 Comments

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how about they actually get round to shipping their flagship.

the whole “So much to do at cartmanland but you can't come” mentality only works when people are constantly reminded about cartmanland and have a place to queue.
Windows mobile 8 has received little praise. The Nokia 920 and HTC 8X have both received quite negative reviews, I think there is little hope for Windows 8 mobile, or Windows 8 as a whole (personally)

The fact that Nokia are releasing a new model with a higher prefix but lower specs just shows they ain't got a clue.

Hang on to your money, I think the 920 will be quite cheap in 6 months when Nokia goes belly up.
Really? I know I might be a fan boy because gosh darnit metro makes me hate my SIII and don't ask me about iOS.

One of the guys as the verge confessed his love for the HTC 8X, most of the drawbacks of the Nokia are:
1) Ecosystem
2) Size / Weight

Now, for 1#, 120,000 apps, 46 out of the 50 top sellers. Thats most people, granted people like me still find apps (say Sky Deamon) which aren't available. But the simple fact is the full ecosystem, SkyDrive, XBox Music, Office is certainly stronger than andriod or iOS. Just the 3rd party apps.

For 2# its subjective, I would have it heavier if it ment more days without charging.
I thought the 920 was already out, I popped into my local ee store to have a play but to no avail, this thing will disappear into obscurity before its even released unless they hurry up lol, looks a great piece of kit though and is right up there with the s3 and iPhone 5 IMO (even if it is in third place with the htc one x snapping at its heels lol)
I want to get my father an 820 for xmas because I reckon the UI would be easier for him. But for 380, the Nexus 4 is tempting.

Waiting on the price and the specs of the 830.